Collective stakeholder action for commons:
Integrating business-stakeholder value creation with polycentric governance

The aim of our research project is to theorize on collective stakeholder action to understand how the business sector participates with societal and public sector stakeholders to the governance of commons. Commons are natural resources used by various actors, and affected by human overuse and self-interest.
Addressing the struggle of the commons requires collective action among various stakeholders, including so far scarcely addressed business actors, to create long-term value. Building on the interface between collective action and stakeholder theories, we ask: how can collective stakeholder action be conceptualized as a solution that integrates joint value creation with polycentric governance to solve the struggle of commons?
Empirically, we examine one of the most urgent struggles of commons,
biodiversity loss, and we focus on the mining sector. We engage with stakeholders and act as a platform for diverse stakeholders to meet, learn and co-create knowledge regarding biodiversity governance.