Blomberg, A., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A.
In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, 133–164. (2023)
Language is a key in catalyzing biodiversity action in business.
Heikkinen, A., Jokinen, A. & Kujala, J.
Amplify (2023)
Outlining stakeholder Engagement in a sustainable circular economy
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Blomberg, A.
In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, 1–15. (2023)
Catalysts for urban circularity: Reasoning by analogy
Jokinen, A., Jokinen, P., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Kokko, M., Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Nieminen, J.
In Lehtimäki, H., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P. (eds.), The Routledge handbook of catalysts for a sustainable circular economy. Routledge, 21–41. (forthcoming)
Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A.
In Rendtorff, J. D. & Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management. Edward Elgar, 227–233. (2023)
Lehtimäki, H., Jokinen, A. & Pitkänen, J.
International Journal of Project Management (2023)
Enablers of a circular economy: A strength-based stakeholder engagement approach
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Thatchenkery, T.
In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, 365–392. (2023)
Nordic environmental state in the making? A practice view on green transition
Leino, H., Laine, M., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P.
In Pekkola, E., Johanson, J-E. & Mykkänen, M. (eds.) Finnish Public Administration. Nordic Public Space and Agency. Palgrave Macmillan, 279-291 (2023)
Connecting the circular economy and sustainability: Finnish stakeholder perceptions
Salminen, H., Heikkinen, A., & Kujala, J..
In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, 427–457. (2023)
Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J.
In Rendtorff, J. D. & Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management. Edward Elgar, 350–355. (2023)
Particularizing nonhuman nature in stakeholder theory: The recognition approach
Kortetmäki, T., Heikkinen, A. & Jokinen, A.
Journal of Business Ethics (2022)
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Jokinen, A. & Tapaninaho, R.
South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (2022)​
Stakeholder Engagement: Past, Present, and Future
Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A. & Laude, D.
Business and Society (2022)
Kujala, J. & Salminen, H.
In Heikkinen, S. & Siltaoja, M. (Eds.) Henkilöstöjohtamisen professori Anna-Maija Lämsän juhlakirja. Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, 69–81. (2022)
Case study method in addressing sustainable innovation in business and management
Lehtimäki, H., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J.
South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (2022)
Combinatorial perspective on ideas, concepts, and policy change
Nylén, E-J. & Jokinen, A.
Environmental Politics (2022)
Polycentric governance of privately owner resources in circular economy systems
Patala, S., Albareda, L., & Halme, M.
Journal of Management Studies (2022)​
Addressing sustainability in the mining industry through stakeholder engagement
Sihvo Matikainen, L.
South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (2022)​
How do time-bound practices initiate local sustainability pathways?
Turku, V., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P.
Sustainable Cities and Society (2022)
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Procedia CIRP (2021)
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Journal of Business Ethics (2020)
A Socio-technical Transition of Sustainable Lithium Industry in Latin America
Quinteros-Condoretty, A.R., Albareda, L., Barbiellini, B., & Soyerb, A.
Procedia Manufacturing (2020)