Following a previous on-line kick-off meeting, the Action4Commons project team officially got together live and in person for the first time at the LUT University’s campus in Lahti to kick off the project activities on November 30th, 2022, organised by the LUT team. The core project teams from LUT and Tampere Universities was joined online by some of the project’s key research collaborators, who will be providing guidance, support, and their valuable insights throughout the project’s duration.

The meeting covered a range of central topics of interest. These included practical issues on reporting, revisiting and putting into practice the work package structures, the broader dissemination and communication strategy, and the project’s management and governance arrangements. In addition, research collaborators shared their introductory insights into some of the substantive theoretical and practical issues the project is concerned with: Tanya Heikkila from the University of Colorado (Denver) delivered her expertise on collective action and polycentric governance, while Juha Kotilainen from the University of Eastern Finland shared their knowledge and experiences on the upcoming Mining Act in Finland and its implications for biodiversity at a national level.
The project team is now ready to move forward with the project’s activities, and follow-up work has already started.
In practical terms, the teams coordinated their work on the project’s first deliverable, the project’s website, which is now live and can be found at In addition, the teams agreed on coordinating synergies between work packages one and two, revisiting and discussing possibilities not yet considered.
The full meeting agenda is available below:
11:00-12:00 pm. Arriving at LUT Lahti Campus
12:00-13:00 pm. Lunch at LUT Lahti Campus Restaurant
13:00-13:40 pm. How to report to AKA: content. Presentation: Anne Vuorema, Funding Advisor Research Service, LUT University.
13:40-14:10 pm. Communication plan for companies. Presentation: Laura Albareda (LUT University)
14:10-14:50 pm. Discussion Biodiversity in Finland and the new Mining Act. Implication for the project. Presentation: Juha Kotilainen, PhD Candidate University of Eastern Finland
14:50-15:10 pm. Coffee break
15:10-16:00 pm. Discussion about what is institutions for collective action and polycentric governance. Presentation of Professor Tanya Heikkila, Co-Director Center for Policy and Democracy, Director MPA Concentration and Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management at School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver
16:10-17:00 pm. Action plan for WP1 and WP2. What are we doing, sharing our work between teams, thinking about the future, and initial thoughts on WP3. Jaan-Pauli Kimpimäki (LUT University) and Johanna Kujala (TAU University)
17:00-17:30 pm. Farewell w/ snacks and drinks
All presentations were complemented with follow-up discussions, which turned out to be quite fruitful. In addition, the presentations were recorded for reference.
The team is thankful to all who participated, as well as those who helped in organising the kick off event!
Conclusion and next steps
All in all, the kick-off meeting was a fruitful and productive event, and the project team extends their thanks to all those who participated, as well as those who helped in organising the event at LUT University -Lahti Campus, with special thanks to Heli Ratilainen. The project team is now ready to move forward with the project’s activities, and follow-up work has already started. The next project meeting is due to take place on February 15th, 2023, which will take place online. The next live meeting for the consortium will take place in Tampere in late May, and be organised by the team at TAU. The consortium is eagerly looking forward to the next one!
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